The Great Yarmouth Yacht Club was formed in 1883 the first Commodore being Sir Edward Birkbeck Bt.. The burgee was derived from the Borough’s Coat of Arms, being red and blue with the lion’s head and herring fishtail displayed thereon.
In 1897 to mark Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee by a subscription from members and friends a large decorative silver gilt cup was purchased to be known as “The Diamond Jubilee Gold Challenge Cup”. Early races were held annually on Breydon Water, the winners were Raters followed by large Cruisers. Later it was raced for at different venue
In 1897 to mark Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee by a subscription from members and friends a large decorative silver gilt cup was purchased to be known as “The Diamond Jubilee Gold Challenge Cup”. Early races were held annually on Breydon Water, the winners were Raters followed by large Cruisers. Later it was raced for at different venues being competed for by Broads, Waveney, Yare & Bure and Yarmouth One Designs, which continues today, being regarded as one of the yachting premier trophies in Broadland.
The club had a couple of periods in abeyance the latter being because of World War I. Over the years it has had International and Olympic sailors amongst its members. Regattas were often a collaborative affair between local clubs and membership overlapped. In July 1937 it was learned that the fine sailing area Wroxham Broad would become available for lease. In 1938 the upshot was the merger of four clubs, including the Great Yarmouth Yacht Club, to form the Norfolk Broads Yacht Club.
In 2014 Mark Duffield thought that each coastal town with a maritime history should have its own Yacht Club. With members of his family and other friends he set about re-establishing the club attempting to apply some of the traditions previously enjoyed by the original club without undue formality. The Great Yarmouth One Design Yachts wit
In 2014 Mark Duffield thought that each coastal town with a maritime history should have its own Yacht Club. With members of his family and other friends he set about re-establishing the club attempting to apply some of the traditions previously enjoyed by the original club without undue formality. The Great Yarmouth One Design Yachts with their centreboard, large lugsail & jib remain few in number, but it was resolved to adopt it as one of the club’s class yachts nevertheless. In the circumstances it was decided in addition to adopt the International 12ft. Dinghy, the only lugsail boat to have been used in the Olympic Games; although few in number in this country, they remain very popular and are many on the continent.
Admiral H. Cator
Commodore N. A. Duffield
Vice Commodore M. D. Lees
Rear Commodore M. Whitaker
Hon. Treasurer M. O. Duffield
Hon. Secretary H. Franzen
Hon. Timekeeper M. D. Lees
Regatta Officer M. W. Duffield
2014-16 D. Bullen
2017-19 G. L. Blake
2020-24 Mrs S. Goodchild
2024- N. A. Duffield
1883-4 Sir E. Birkbeck Bt.
1885 W. Burdett Coutts
1886 Sir H.W. Tyler MP
1887 F. Danby Palmer
1888 Sir R. Beauchamp Bt.
1889-93 F. Danby Palmer
1894 N.R. Suffling
1895 W.E. Worship
1896 F. Danby Palmer
1897 E.P. Buckworth
1898 R.P. Chamberlin
1899 Ralph Watling
1900 G.H.L. Blake
1901 E.P. Buckworth
1902-3 R.F. Boileau
1904-7 Club in abeyance
1908-13 Ralph Watling
1914 Leonard J. Brown
1915-18 Club in abeyance
1919-20 Leonard J. Brown
1921-4 W.. Winwood Gossage
1925-6 Sir F.C. Meyer Bt. MP
1927-30 Spencer Arnold
1931-3 P.G. Back
1934-6 C.S.Green
1937 C.T.A..Beevor
1938-2013 Club in abeyance